Friday 30 September 2011

Brighten Your Day, and Someone Else's

Have you ever woken up in the morning and thought, 'I want to make someone smile.'? I have - many times. There's some form of weird satisfaction you get whenever you show an act of humanity and good nature. That was when I found out about a website set up by a young girl diagnosed with MS when she was 6 months old. She's been bed-ridden since 2001 and so made a website called postpals, where you can send an email, letter, card or present to a child with cancer. I figured I would post about it to try and gt as many people involved as I possibly could - it's for a good cause. 

So, if you're ever feeling a bit down one day, go ahead and log on to your computer and head to and help a child smile - which will cheer you up almost instantly :)

Another thing I heard of recently was 'operation beautiful.' It's another organisation set up to spread a bit of happiness - you basically write on a post-it note a small message telling someone how beautiful they are, and leave it in a place where a stranger might walk by and see it. Just make sure you write the website on the note, so that it can become more widely-known, and more people can have they day brightened.

Go ahead - make someone's day that little bit better - karma will thank you for it :)

Harri x

Tuesday 27 September 2011


Recently I went to see 'The Wild Bride' at the Lyric Theatre in Hammersmith. It was absolutely incredible! And I would recommend it to anyone... 

It's about a young girl who's father accidentally loses her in a deal with the Devil, but she is considered to be too pure to be taken by him. For this reason, he tries to dirty her with mud, but when she cries it spreads the absolute innocence onto her hands. The devil then forces the father to chop off the hands of the girl, but she is still too pure. The girl is cast out into the wild to fend for herself and make her soul disheartened, so that the devil can take her to hell. 

It sounds sinister - which it is, at times. But honestly it has it's moments and is a brilliant piece of drama. The company who show this play is called 'Kneehigh', and I think they also show in some places in Cornwall as well. 

If you want to find out more about 'The Wild Bride' story, search 'The Handless Maiden' by the Grimm Brothers. I know, as soon as you hear it's a Grimm fairytale, you're instantly interested.
