Friday 30 September 2011

Brighten Your Day, and Someone Else's

Have you ever woken up in the morning and thought, 'I want to make someone smile.'? I have - many times. There's some form of weird satisfaction you get whenever you show an act of humanity and good nature. That was when I found out about a website set up by a young girl diagnosed with MS when she was 6 months old. She's been bed-ridden since 2001 and so made a website called postpals, where you can send an email, letter, card or present to a child with cancer. I figured I would post about it to try and gt as many people involved as I possibly could - it's for a good cause. 

So, if you're ever feeling a bit down one day, go ahead and log on to your computer and head to and help a child smile - which will cheer you up almost instantly :)

Another thing I heard of recently was 'operation beautiful.' It's another organisation set up to spread a bit of happiness - you basically write on a post-it note a small message telling someone how beautiful they are, and leave it in a place where a stranger might walk by and see it. Just make sure you write the website on the note, so that it can become more widely-known, and more people can have they day brightened.

Go ahead - make someone's day that little bit better - karma will thank you for it :)

Harri x

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