Wednesday 26 October 2011

It's Been a While

Okay, so I haven't posted in a while due to the fact that I'm organising and creating a yearbook for my school. Because I'm in year 11, and my school goes up to year thirteen AND my headmistress is an absolute b*tch, I'm not necessarily allowed to make one. Nevertheless, I've decided to ignore the threats of suspension from my headteacher considering this is my last year in this school and I've been there for eleven years and go ahead in putting together this book. 

Obviously, I'm not being encouraged or helped by the faculty at my school and so cannot form a yearbook committee - but oh well. Last week I went around the classes and asked who would be interested in buying one, and almost everyone supported me 100 percent! Another feature that I'm adding to this book is that I am in the process of making it augmented. 

This basically means that a few of the pictures in the book will be programmed into a software on the computer, and linked to a website. Using a webcam, you can hold up the picture to the webcam and some magically pixie stuff happens and a video or a game will pop up. It's pretty cool, and it will be the world's first ever augmented yearbook! Which I personally think is pretty exciting. 

If you want to find out more about how Augmented Reality works, search it in google because I haven't really got that much of an in-depth knowledge on the subject. Oh, and there are a couple of apps on the iPhone or iPad that have the software, which my dad created (thats how I know how to use it, and how I have access to it). 

Here's a link to a video of Augmented Reality being used in Hugo Boss in Sloane Square, London.

So that's all I have to say about that...for now ;) 

Harri xx

Thursday 6 October 2011

Flight of the Conchords

I haven't written for a bit, so I figured I'd just talk about Flight of the Conchords. It's a band from New Zealand involving two people called Bret and Jermaine. They do mostly joke songs, some of my personal favourites are 

Hiphopappotamus and the Rhymenocerous

They;re clips from the band's latest tv series, which is in some ways an acquired taste. To be honest, I think they're funny but a lot of people may think otherwise. 

OH and buy their album on iTunes or...just buy the CD. 

Anyway, I hope I haven't wasted the past couple of seconds of your life, but if you have read to the end of this post, 


Now, to claim your prize, go to your cupboard and get out a pack of cookies. Eat one, or two of the whole pack if you like - it's your prize. :) 

NB: If you don't have any at home, go buy some. Don't complain, it's so not my fault that you don't have any nice food in your house. 

Oh and, RIP Steve Jobs. In fact, this morning my completely naive friend came into school saying how Steve Jobs' death was such a tragedy (which it is - no denying that) and saying how he had changed the modern world. I said that yes, it is sad he died, but it was inevitable considering he had cancer and was over 60. She then asked "How many people can say that they've changed the world? I mean, it's rare."

Before I go on, you have to understand that I was stressed, tired and not in the mood at this point.

I replied that actually, many people can say that. Martin Luther King, John F Kennedy, Abe Lincoln, William Shatner, the Beatles etc. She then said that although these people had changed the world, how many can say they changed the modern world?

So, cryptically, I said Osama Bin Laden. I'm not suggesting in any way that I agree with terrorist activities or the monstrosity of the situation on 9/11, but I was simply proving the point that he had changed the modern world for the worse because ever since that attack, the world has become extremely high and strict in security. 

That shut her up. ;)