Tuesday 6 December 2011

Christmas, Presents and Drug Overdose

So I haven't written in a while, since I've had something better to do. Or so you would think. 

Currently I've been having mock examinations at school, but haven't had the motivation to revise. Then again, you could consider this to be a good idea because then it means I'm being tested on raw knowledge, rather than the complete dicks in my school who revise phonetic rhymes etc, but not understanding the reasons behind the answer. So far I've been doing pretty well, so if I do well then clearly I'm smarter than i originally thought.... 

Another thing I wanted to mention was my friend Isobel Reilly. Some of you may have heard of her as the girl who OD'd on ketamine and ecstasy - causing her friend's father; a renowned university lecturer on the dangers of drugs (I R O N Y) to lose his job and family as it was in his home and his stash of drugs that she died because of. Anyway, the reason I mention her is because recently it was the 3 month "anniversary" of her death. Feel free to Google her or search her on BBC news, because the lecturer has also just been convicted. 

So, moving on from the morbid topic of drug overdose and death blah blah blah I also want to brag about the organising I have done for Christmas this year. Three of my friends: Ella, Helen and Sahiba (pronounced like Cyber) have been the centre of my gift choosing antics. With a budget of around 60 pounds, I had to try and figure out what to get for each of them - plus family members, secret Santa and other close friends. A difficult task but REGARDLESS, I set off trying to remember witty remarks and inside jokes we shared to come up with the ultimate present. Helen was easy, as I had shown her the film Rocky Horror Picture Show, an excellent film that I would recommend, and she had mentioned how she would have loved to see it in theatre, dressed in costume and the whole sha-bang. Obviously, it's well known that this stopped in the late 1980s, and now a rarity. HOWEVER after scouring the Internet, I discovered a showing in Leicester Square. So I've bought her the tickets, hinting to her at the 'amazingness' of her gift. Although I will simply buy her the DVD, and thus trick her in to momentarily believing that I have bought her an absolutely terrible present. 


Now, I would bore you further in discussing the numerous other gifts i have bought for my other peers. But, to save you from falling asleep where you sit, I will simply suggest that in buying secret Santa, stalk your receiver on twitter to discover their interests and thus their ideal present..

Harri. x

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