Saturday 14 January 2012

It's Not The End Of The World

Happy New Year! I realise that I'm 2 weeks late, but oh well. 

Recently, I had to do a filmed rant for English planned around the show "Grumpy Old Women" (search it on youtube, it's not half bad). Anyway, on the programme they choose a topic that irritates them to the extent that they almost want to kill the people who commit the atrocities. Getting back to the story, I chose to talk about the end of the world conspiracies. They drive me insane, because they're all completely ludicrous!

So that I would get a decent grade on my work, I thought it would be a good idea to research the actual conspiracy theories and all the technical terms etcetera. 

Now, you may have heard of the Mayan Calendar which is due to end on December 21st 2012; thus giving the date that the world will supposedly end. This isn't actually all that they're predicting. They actually half a step-by-step programme called the "Ages of Man". This is only stage 4. Stage 5 entails that the survivors of the apocalypse will realise their spiritual destiny. So, turns out that it wasn't the nuclear bunker and survival kits that helped you live - but actually your inner spirituality. Step 6 claims that we will all realise the God within ourselves. Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't calling yourself God is extreme blasphemy? I could have sworn that John Lennon got in a M A S S I V E amount of trouble with the press when he said the Beatles were "bigger than Jesus". Then the final stage is step 7. This is my personal favourite. The Mayans have predicted that at this time, mankind will be so spiritually enlightened that we will develop telepathic abilities. Wow. 

Moving on, there's the geomagnetic pole reversal. Or, in lament's terms, the pole shift. This was originally determined by Einstein, saying that one day the North and South poles will switch - causing all the animals in the world to die because they couldn't work out which way was up and why the seasons were suddenly different. This would then cause humanity to be distinguished because we obviously won't be able to all become vegetarians. If that isn't enough, scientists have now worked out that it would take 7000 years from start to finish to occur, and on any given day they would be able to tell if it was happening. And it hasn't started yet. PLUS the most distress that this would cause is a slight disruption to satellite and cellular communications. 

Another theory is that a rogue planet called Nibiru, or 'Planet X', is going to collide with Earth. However, it would be seen by humans in the night sky two years before collision. Plus, if that did happen, they could be destroyed. 

So I hope my nonsensical ramblings have put your mind at ease for December this year, and that you will all have a good year.

Harri x 

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