Sunday 15 January 2012

English Reviews

So for English this term, we're having to write a film review for anything we like. At the moment I'm having a toss up between 'Juno' and Rocky Horror Picture Show.

Juno is easy to review, because it's compelling but also controversial. Plus, the soundtrack is pretty awesome. 

Rocky Horror Picture show is easy to both criticise and praise; the acting/singing of Susan Sarandon is an atrocity. However, it is definitely entertaining - just so long as you're able to push past your want to slap her across that little face of hers. Plus, the songs are pure gold (see what I did there? Rocky's gold pants...pure gold...oh I'm so witty). 

So really, I have to try and work out which one of these films I want to analyse - which involves watching them. And I have to start writing tomorrow. I haven't chosen yet, but I've written notes on Juno and not RHPS. Maybe I'll just go for Juno then, seeing as you have to weigh up both positives and negatives and Rocky Horror is just too good to rip to shreds. 

Thanks for reading my boring ramblings, and hopefully you haven't fallen asleep at how dull my life is. Oh, and if you're interested, check out my new blog where I write reviews for products and things. It could be interesting, but then again maybe not. I suppose it depends on the person.

Harri. x

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